Gaeilge Phraiticiúil do Mhúinteoirí Bunscoile – Rang 1 agus 2 – 2017

August 17, 2017

0 minute read

As the summer months draw to a close, it’s suddenly that time again to review my summer courses. I always do online courses because I can do them in the comfort of my own home, with tea in one hand, Sonny lounging next to me, and a beautiful sea view to distract me. I couldn’t give up a whole week of my precious summer for a course, though the online courses sometimes seem to end up taking longer, at least you can do it in your own time. I did two courses this summer, and that was enough! I normally do three, one summer I did four but I just couldn’t motivate myself to do that many this year!

The first course I chose was Gaeilge Phraiticiúil do Mhúinteoirí Bunscoile – Rang 1 agus 2 from

I did two courses with last summer and I really like the layout and the course content so I said I would do one again this summer.

I always try to do one course in Irish each summer.

The Gaeilge Phraiticiúil course included the following modules:

The course was excellent for me because it covered everything you need to teach in 1st and 2nd class. So I know when I print these notes off, I can keep them to refer to to ensure I am covering every aspect of the curriculum. I also liked the resources which can be downloaded as part of the course content in PDF or word format. I used Bua na Cainte last year which I found excellent but it does need supplementary teaching materials to keep the children engaged, which this course encourages.

As I mentioned before I like the layout and structure of this course. It is very user friendly and straight forward which I like!


Ranganna provide a number of summer courses for teachers including:



If you need an extra course for another EPV day or two then these are very straightforward and not too onerous, as far as summer courses go!



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