Mrs Mactivity Website and Resources!
I was recently asked by the lovely owner of Mrs Mactivity to have a look at her site. I am sure most of you have heard of it by now but basically it is a a site similar to well known sites which you pay a subscription to and can download unlimited resources from.
The site has a section for resources,and a blog section too which has loads of helpful blog posts!
There’s phonics resources of all sorts, display packs, subject based packs, themed resources, mindfulness colouring, early years resources, transition activities, back to school set up activities and resources, fine motor skill resources and many more, too many to list here!
Here is a testimonial from MrsMactivity herself!
Mrs Mactivity has been founded by Heather McAvan, who is passionate about bringing creativity to children through useful, time saving and beautifully designed activities and resources unlike any you’ve seen before. Heather says, “When I was a teacher I always found that when I used activities from other resource sites, the children always seemed to complete them in just a few minutes and there was little educational value. I wanted to create activities that are really useful, hands on and engaging, as well as being very aesthetically pleasing. I also found that not only could I never find what I was looking for on other resource sites, but I couldn’t afford them either! Mrs Mactivity is all about bringing the best possible quality resources to teachers, at a price that everyone can afford – as this means we can help lots and lots of people. We are definitely going for “less is more” – although we have less resources than other sites, there is no wastefulness, and we only produce resources that we would use ourselves as teachers – which means that you can find what you need quickly too!We also try to vary the style of our resources so that they all look slightly different – there’s nothing worse than classrooms that all look the same!”
I am helping promote this website because it is really , really good value. The fee to join for the year is only 12.97 pounds which equates to 14.64 euro! It costs fifty pounds for a school to join or 56 euro. That is for a whole school.
I think it is ideal for the likes of teaching placement where people may not have the time to make their own resources. Some sites can be so expensive which is tough when placement is already expensive enough as it is. So at least this one won’t break the bank!
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