My News!

Hello everyone!

There are big changes afoot for me!————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I will be teaching 1st and 2nd class next year! I am so excited, possibly too excited but it is the age group I always imagined myself teaching when I was training to be a teacher, and now I will have my very own class! It feels like it will almost be a whole new job. That is the beauty of teaching, between learning support, resource, ASD, and all the mainstream classes, there’s always something new and different to explore.

I think 1st and 2nd class will be great because they are at that age where they are independent, yet young and innocent, and get excited about EVERYTHING! Sometimes my 6th class look at me like I am an alien at the front of the room with all the enthusiasm, but I am hoping 1st and 2nd will get caught up in it! It will be a big change for me, but one I cannot wait to get started on. The variety of themes for this age group is excellent too, and to use puppets and Aistear, I am beside myself with the thoughts of it all. I must go get my puppets out of the attic!

I will miss teaching 5th and 6th class. I have the loveliest fifth class who I will miss teaching, but at least it is a small school so I can still see them every day. I will miss the projects like the Blue Star and Peace Proms which the older classes can do. I wanted to do the Junior Entrepreneur Program and the Primary Science Fair too had I 5th and 6th next year, but I am sure I will have opportunity to teach that level again at some stage over the thirty years I will be teaching! I will also miss our class blog which we have all grown to love, but I am looking forward to starting a new one too. The future is very exciting at the moment!

So my blog will be a little different next year, but all my fifth and sixth class plans, resources and lesson suggestions will still be on my blog.


That’s all!


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