I can’t believe we are near the end of September and I am only doing my school update now. Truth be told I am just finding life very busy at the moment! Good busy though! Very often my posts offer advice and sharing of ideas to other teachers. I started in my new role as an ASD class teacher this term and I don’t feel as though I am in a position just yet to be offering advice as it is still early days!
There are some teachers in a similar position to me who have asked me what has been working. The most important thing to remember is that you are a qualified teacher, and you are trained to teach any class. Just have confidence in yourself. A very wise principal told me that teaching is teaching. It is simply at a different pace.
It is essential to speak to the teacher who had your class last year. That is the number one thing that helped me get up and running straight away. I also observed the class last year so I knew the schedule and the way the previous teacher worked things. If it is not broken don’t fix it! Stick to the same routine if you can, while putting your own spin on it of course.
Study any programmes the children may be using, such as PECS, Lamh and Teacch. Research Gina Davies and watch her youtube videos. A teacher in school told me about her and she is amazing! I have been using Attention Autism and it definitely works.
If you are using PECS stick to it and don’t forget to change and update the pictures- that is so important!
Don’t go over board on decorating your classroom- it may prove to be a sensory overload.
Use visuals all the time.
Make sure your day is well structured and try not to deviate from this.
Encourage social interactions,it may seem like the child isn’t interested but keep encouraging all the time. You’re there to help the children deelop the knowledge and skills required for social interaction and the classroom is the perfect place for this.
Give extra time- give your student as long as they need to reply or respond.
Keep instructions simple.
Reflecting back on the past month, the above are just some points that I have realised the importance of. I hope it helps even if someone is subbing in an ASD class.