That 2017 blog post..

January 5, 2017

0 minute read

So here it is, the typical blogger 2017 post! I can hardly bring myself to write it, such is the stereotype! I love reading these types of posts myself though, I always feel motivated and full of great intentions after reading them. I must admit though, I don’t read teacher blogs! ( dare I say it!) Well I read mine and three others I have always followed but that’s it. I love lifestyle blogs and could read them  for hours. The teacher blogs I do follow are The Inspired Apple, The Queen of First Grade Jungle and The Teacher Talk. One of my favourite lifestyle blogs is All Things Lovely. (I think a teacher authors it)

Anyway, enough about my blog addiction. My own blog is nearly four years old now! How time flies. Is there anything else you would like to see on Múinteoir Valerie which would help you in your teaching? If so let me know!

I’m sitting here at home beside the fire thinking this time tomorrow I will be back to Dublin and back to reality. It has been great to be free of responsibilities. No food shopping, no filling my car with petrol (the two most menial tasks in the world), no cooking, no working- it has been amazing! But alas, all good things must come to an end, and I don’t mind going back to school because Tom and I have a very exciting few months ahead!

I don’t really have any resolutions or goals- does that sound lazy? I am already reasonably healthy, and I work hard in school so I don’t think I need to completely overhaul my ways! I do hope to become more organised however.

Here are my classroom resolutions:

Try to keep my goldfish alive.

Update the school blog once or twice a week.

Keep my desk tidy.

Keep my school resources at school and not at home.

Take notes at croke park meetings so I don’t forget important information!

Change my notice boards every two weeks.

Stop leaving my lunch bags in school. (it’s the little things!)

Try to wear nice clothes every day- no more jeans!


I hope to update this blog once a week too, and do lots more giveaways!


Happy new year to you all, enjoy the last few days before the madness begins!


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