Ballyconneely, Roundstone and Cashel Summer Camps 2014

July 30, 2014

0 minute read

Hello everyone,
A series of three summer camps will be held this summer in Connemara. Please find dates and details below:

Ballyconneely Science and Art Camp:
Dates: 11th, 12th, 13th of August.

Time: 10am – 1pm

Age: 4-10

Location: Ballyconneely Hall

Activities: The camp will be based on the science and art subjects of the primary school curriculum. Activities to include group art projects and constructions, and science experiments and investigating.

Cashel Science Camp
(Fully Booked)
18th – 22nd of August.

Roundstone Summer Science Camp:

This will be a one day Science and Art Camp. Date to be confirmed this week. Provisionally booked for final week in August.

Time: 10am – 1pm

Age 4-10 

Location: Roundstone Hall

Activities: The camp will be based on the science and art subjects of the primary school curriculum. Activities to include group art projects and constructions, and science experiments and investigating.

*max of 20 places per camp.
*please bring a small snack for your child
*old clothes advisable- things may get messy!
*party on last day with baking, quizzes and lots of prizes involved!
 *please check posts from August 2013 to see photos and posts of previous summer camps.

Leave a comment if you wish to book a place, or visit my facebook page at:

Thank you!


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