Classroom Organisation

A few people have asked me how I organise my classroom. It is organised chaos at best most days, but here’s how I sort my books and resources.

I have one of those sliderobe storage units which is just excellent for storage. There’s loads of room, the books are out of sight, it reduces clutter and the front of it doubles as display boards.

I have all the children’s books on one side, and my books on the other.


Kids books:IMG_4347


There’s loads of room for our board games too , and our mini whiteboards. ( They are the most used whiteboards ever- excellent for maths)

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These are some my books which are on the other side of the unit.

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These are our classroom rules which we refer to when necessary.


The children in my class love their quotes, no more than myself! These boards are their space to hang up any quotes they really like.



Literacy area:

The literacy box from Prim Ed is an a superb resource if your class need work on comprehension skills.

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Early Finishers Area:

A girl contacted me on my blog and asked could she send this game ‘Chase Across the Square’ for me to review. I haven’t had a chance to play it myself yet but the children in my class love it and they told me ‘it is great for maths skills’!

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Our science wall:IMG_4366

Children’s work:

The children have two plastic folders each, one for homework and one for school. They have their poetry anthology for poetry, their science journals, an English, Irish, maths and free writing copy. They have two homework copies which we alternate so I can keep up with corrections.

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Behaviour Management:

Not the fanciest of regimes but it works! The winning team is the first to get to 50 points, and that team gets a homework pass. The points are awarded for tidy tables, speaking lots of Irish, participating, answering questions, being kind etc etc.


This is the front of one section of the sliderobe, and it is my second Irish display board.














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