Conas an Ghaeilge a Mhúineadh go hÉifeachtach sa Seomra Ranga – 2016, A Review
Conas an Ghaeilge a Mhúineadh go hÉifeachtach sa Seomra Ranga.
This year, I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and try a new course provider. I had heard positive feedback about Gaelchultúr and their courses on so I said I would give it a try. I was not disappointed.I feel like I got a lot out of the course. The idea of the course was to learn how to teach Irish effectively and in an engaging manner in the classroom. I will have 1st and 2nd class this year and I am really looking forward to teaching them Irish now.
I have more ideas than I could ever use now, which is brilliant! Sometimes teachers become over reliant on the programme they are using and while these are excellent resources, it is so important to have a varied and active Irish lesson for the children. These resources mentioned on this course are something the children will really enjoy and benefit from, and it will help change up my lessons and keep the content of them fresh and engaging for my first and second class pupils.
This course has provided me with a lot of ideas and resources which will hopefully encourage the children to use Irish throughout the school day. I am actually very excited about my Irish lessons now!
Not only has the course provided me with brilliant teaching ideas, it has I feel, helped me brush up on my Irish grammar too. I feel much more confident about using and speaking Irish in the classroom now, thanks to this course. The stages of communication in the lesson was also a very useful tool, as it breaks down exactly how to teach the lesson, and when to teach and introduce vocabulary and grammar.
The course is very accessible and very well laid out. Each module has a series of activities which are great practice, and you can redo them if you need to. The lessons have an icon where you can hear the Irish being spoken too, which is a great tool. The content was not too long, yet it was detailed and comprehensive.
The forums are an incredibly useful tool. The forums are a space for teachers to share ideas about what worked well for them in teaching Irish, and these tried and tested methods will be used by me!
I think I will find it much easier to provide an interesting and positive learning environment for the class after having studied this course.
I found the forum posts from other teachers really , really useful.
I would recommend this course for anyone who needs fresh teaching ideas for Irish!