I have finally published a children’s story book. This is something I’ve wanted to do for years but I didn’t have the confidence and was too nervous! This story, ‘Connected’, is about a little boy named Danny. Danny is navigating his way through second class in his little school, Happy Days NS. The book details the challenges and successes he faces in school, and his interactions with his friends and class mates. I wrote this months ago but it was only after completing my module on inclusion in my masters that I felt confident enough to bring it out. It’s all about inclusion, which is something I’m very passionate about. The story helps to bring the complicated term ‘inclusion’ (so complicated that we don’t even have a common definition for it globally) to a child’s level. It will hopefully help children to understand that their class mate might not always say hello back, or may not speak yet, but this doesn’t mean they don’t want to be included. It’s a simple story with a big message! I hope you enjoy it! It’s suitable for any class level and for home too!
It costs nine euro, and three euro postage and packaging.