Covid 19 and Impact on Education Question

May 7, 2020

0 minute read

Muinteoir Valerie Teaching Blog3

There is a possibilty that the virus and the impact it is having on education will come up in an interview. I have a full page long sample interview answer on it here:

In this post I will share some buzz words which I would connect with education and the corona virus.

distance learning

Online learning platforms

Google Classroom and Seesaw

Zoom and safety issues- hacking

Digital divide amongst children


Teachers skills:




ICT proficient

Communication skills with parents and children enhanced


Being unable to reach the children who need help the most

Working parents, trying to find the balance

Mental health and well being of children, parents and teachers.

Will take a long time for schools to be carefee again,

Policies need to be completed on dealing with this come September, hygiene rules and procedures etc.

They are just a few words which pop into my head when I think of the virus and education, see the link for more detail!

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