FoodOppi Summer Courses
We have all probably seen Foodoppi’s lovely recipes in the INTO magazine each month over the last couple of year or even spotted their nationwide STEM campaign with Avonmore & SuperMilk ‘Super Science Experiment’ in our schools this year. I have teamed up with Aisling and Louise to get them to tell you a little bit more about their online summer course.
Over the last number of years they have ran two – Creative Food Education for SPHE and beyond and Fun STEM education and this year they are very excited to launch a brand new online course – Mindful Eating for Primary Schools.
Foodoppi has worked with brilliant organisations like Bord Bia and Healthy Ireland at big events like Bloom showcasing some of their delicious and fun projects and recipes to hundreds of school children and their teachers over the past few years.
In the Creative Food Education online course Foodoppi allows you to see how holistic and cross curricular food eduction can be for primary schools. As with all online courses it allows you to do some work around the SSE and see where your school is at and how you can improve. It then helps you prepare for becoming a Health promoting School and earning the much sought after flag.
Foodoppi also helps you figure out some of the real life elements of running practical sessions in a busy classroom, resources you will actually need and even health and safety risk assessments around food. Then foodoppi has created some fantastic, easy, step by step videos food projects. Would you love to make avocado boats, delicious hummus or hedgehog bread with your class next year ?
Be sure to check this one out.
Next up is making STEM fun for the classroom. Aisling and Louise from Foodoppi have been working tirelessly for the last number of years show-casing how science and STEM can be fun and exciting when taught through food. They have been commissioned by SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) work with them at events like the St. Patricks Day Festival, Family Fun Day at the Convention Centre Dublin and all around the country for their Science Week Roadshow. On the course this year you get an access pass to exclusive video STEM projects and experiments to really engage your class in a cross curricular way. As STEM is now a national priority of the Department of education for Primary schools there is plenty of pedagogical development too. This comes in the form of developing growth mindsets with your students, to assessments, becoming a highly effective teacher and the school self evaluation process. Is you ever thought you should bring a little more STEM into your classroom this is the course for you.
The new course for 2019 is Mindful Eating for Primary Schools.
It brings you the teacher on a personal journey of self discovery as you undertake guided mediations and mindfulness practices all relating to food and how we eat. The over arching aim of this course is to give teachers the personal and professional skills, strategies and tools to encourage and show their students how to have positive relationships with all food through mindfulness. The central philosophy behind mindful eating is that by bringing a non-judgemental awareness ( through mediation ) to what and how you eat you will improve your relationship with food forever ! No dieting, not binging – just real honest food that is savoured and enjoyed and a balanced approach to eating.
The format of this course is new and very innovative. You log in for 5 two hour sessions and become part of the online virtual classroom as you sit and engage with meditations, reflections and practice teachbacks with a partner. There are lots of opportunities for online meditations and journaling too as part of the assignments. This course is linked to the SPHE curriculum but also very much to the overall wellness policy of your school. Places are very limited and 2 sessions will be available , one in July an another in August.
All courses are €75