Preparing for your First Year in an ASD Class Setting: Online CPD
This time last year I found out I was moving from teaching third and fourth class to teaching in our junior ASD class. I was excited, trepidatious, and most of all unsure of myself. I had always taught children with autism in a mainstream setting so I had a little bit of knowledge, but not a huge amount. I prepared a lot over the summer, as best I could but there is no handbook telling you exactly what you need to do! So I am going to share over a few blog posts, things which worked for me in my class, and things I wish I had known
In October of last year I went to an NCSE Introduction to Autism two day course. It was brilliant, so informative and inspiring. However, these NCSE courses are almost impossible to get a place on, and I am guessing they won’t be going ahead this year, as hundreds of teachers in one room would make social distancing impossible.
In this first blog post, I am going to share some online CPD suggestions, which will make a huge difference to you if you don’t have a huge amount of experience in this area.
Understanding Autism by . I did this course this year and it is one of the best I have done. I have a review here:
Fluirse offer this one which sounds very practical. I haven’t done it myself yet so I can’t speak for the quality of it but it is an option.
Middletown Centre for Autism is probably the site I visit the most. It is just full of useful information. They are running seminars at the moment on a range of topics so definitely worth a look.
ASD Creation Station is a website run by a highly experienced teacher, and she had released new courses which are aimed at teachers in ASD class settings. The first one is about creating timetables in an ASD class.
The National Autistic Socitety has a number of courses available for around thirty pounds each. Again, I haven’t done one but I might sign up to one, they sounds quite interesting.
If you have completed a CPD course which isn’t on this list please let me know and I will add it to share with others!