Summer Educational Bucket List

May 31, 2014

0 minute read

So it’s almost that time of year again. Permanent teachers are beginning to count down the days after a long year in school, looking forward to a well deserved break. Substitute teachers like myself are not looking forward to the summer as much as it means no subbing!
Unfortunately the summer is probably the busiest and most stressful time of the year for substitute teachers, because of job applications. At the moment there are over 300 jobs advertised on Education posts. I’ll have to apply to at least 50. That a lot of work! The job application form takes SO long to complete. Then there are the jobs which require basically proof of every educational course you have done over the past six years. I am going to have to learn how to use a scanner!
So my summer ‘educational’ bucket list comprises of the following:
·       Work on standard application forms and cover letters.
·       Practice interview questions.
·       Get called to interview in my dream school, and get the job.  Is that really too much to ask for!?
   Múinteoir Valerie


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