Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful September weather! It is a lovely sunny day here in Dublin, which makes it harder to do school work! I also hope work is presenting itself to you. It is not so bad here so far. I was offered three days for this week which I couldn’t do, and I have two days next week.
The hardest thing about being a substitute teacher is the fact that we don’t have to do any work technically when we are not subbing. I however, always make myself sit down at the laptop for two or three hours every day. At the end of each day I ask myself, ‘Did I do anything today to help my teaching career?’. If not then I have no right to moan about not having a job! So I force myself to sit down, and I work on improving my standard application form or CV. Then as a treat I allow myself to create resources and lesson plans. Yes, that constitutes a treat in my book!
Anyways, what I am trying to say is to be pro-active. Do something every day to help your chances. Don’t rest on your laurels.
Here’s what I am doing to achieve my goals:
1. I have signed up to a course in the Drumcondra Education Centre.
2. I am creating resources to add to the subkit.
3. I am altering/tweaking my SAF and CV.
4. I will be starting an after school art club next week.
5. I am approaching and emailing every school I can get to.
If you have any tips/ ideas then let me know!