To Do List Senior Infants:

To Do:

Have your daily plan in place.

Have materials such as crayons, glue, pencils ready and available at the children’s desks.

Label desks with student names. You can always change this once you observe them for a few days to assess the classroom dynamic.

Have a spot clearly labelled for them to leave their coats.

Be prepared for the classroom expectations lesson, you must know yourself exactly how you want your classroom to be run before you discuss with the class.

Have the toys in their own sections in the classroom. When you are giving your class a tour of the classroom, explain that the toys must go back to where they were when they are finished playing with them.

Have any concrete resources and manipulatives you need laid out and ready to go.

First Day Feelings: Discuss different emotions with the class and how they might be feeling. Are they excited, nervous, worried? I have a first day back feelings worksheet which I can add to my blog as a download.

Discuss noise levels with the class, and indoor and outdoor classes. You could incorporate drama here and have the children model and act out appropriate versus inappropriate classroom behaviour!

Have any materials you need ready to go and photocopied before the children come in!

file:///C:/Users/Valerie%20King/Downloads/About%20Me%20.pdf = About Me worksheet = Emotions worksheet

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