Summer Updates
Hi everyone!
I hope you are enjoying the holidays! It’s great being off and not setting the alarm! My nephews have been up to visit all week so we have been exploring Dublin , there’s so much to do up here for kids. Anyway, the purpose of this blog post is to update you on what’s going on on my blog over the summer. I am still going to be blogging over the summer, so if you want to completely switch off from school then you can just ignore my updates and come back in September! I find I am too tired from school during the year to do loads on my blog, so the holidays are my time to focus on it a bit more. Anyways, here we go!
- The CV and Application Form workshop is on in Galway on the 15th of July. It is selling out fast but there are a few tickets left. I was taking lots of emails to proof read and give a second look over CVs and application forms but I won’t be doing any more over the summer, so instead I will do the workshop. The workshop will consist of help and advice on CVs and application forms, how to stand out, how to use all your experience to your advantage and so on. A principal is also booked in to come in and give a talk on what he looks for in applicants. The places are limited to 20 as there will be lots of one on one work. There will be lots of giveaways too to set you up for September! The tickets are only fifteen euro for three hours. It’s on in the Salthill Hotel from 10 am- 1pm. If you would be interested in one anywhere else in the country let me know!
- My book will be available to purchase on line this week and it will be posted to you the following day. The book costs 7.95 plus 1.70 postage.
- There will be book launches, I only have time for three so let me know where you would like the book launch to be and I will start organising them!
- There will be a limited number of FREE long term plans for 1st and 2nd and 5th and 6th class available over the next two weeks so keep an eye out!
That’s all for now, ( I have to go to Aqua Zone AGAIN with my nephews!)
Enjoy your day!