CV and Standard Application Form Workshop

The CV and SAF Workshop will be held next Friday the 15th of July in Galway. It will be held in the Salthill Hotel from 10am-1pm. I have had a lot of queries about a workshop in Dublin too. If I am in Dublin over the summer I will try host one, I will keep you posted.

The Galway workshop will be focused solely on the job application process, so if you are attending please bring a sample of your CV, application form and letter of application.

  1. A step by step guide to writing a stand out CV.
  2. We will go through the SAF section by section, detailing what to include in each section, layout and so on.
  3. We will discuss individually with each teacher how their experience can be worked into each section.
  4. We will discuss buzz words and how to make your application stand out from the crowd.
  5. We will go through the letter of application, showing samples with tips on what to include in this very important letter.
  6. We will go through interviews and how to prepare for them.

Places are limited to 20 and there are four or five places left at the moment.


Tickets cost fifteen euro and can be purchased here:


As usual, there will be loads of giveaways including:

A Job Application hamper

A Teaching Hamper

Several teacher books from

Sample text books from

Copies of the primary teacher yearbook from

A 25E voucher from

A discounted summer course for one winner from

And many more teacher goodies!

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