Irish Publishing and Educational Companies During the Lockdown

Irish publishers and companies have I think, reacted so well to the lockdown. These companies adapated straight away, making resources and books available and accessible to parents. I will list the ones I found particularly helpful below.

CJ Fallon made logins available to parents- I have been using their Sounds like Phonics resources. The link is below.

Gill and Macmillan have amazing read along with me readers which are brilliant for emerging readers.

Prim Ed Publishing have created a number of home learning resources, many of which are free.

Folens provided access to all their books online, hugely hepful.

Dabbledoo Music provided free content too. We use Dabbeldoo in school and it is excellent and highly interactive.

Twinkl have offered free membership since schools closed.

It is not a company but this website is run by a fellow teacher and it is fantastic. If I had children of a school going age it is the only resource I would use. It gives loads of activities for each day in each subject, it is practical, hands on, with easy to implement and follow ideas. I can’t recommend it enough.

Thank you to all the above for making life a little easier for teachers and parents alike!

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