Let’s Talk Literacy Review!
Hello teachers!
Another day, another review! I hope these are helping you decide on schemes- it is such a big commitment! English is my favourite subject to teach and literacy is my passion- so I decided to have a look at Let’s Talk Literacy today. So, the details are below. The workbooks are quite substantial which I like, and they are colourful and appealing for the children. Each book has a variety of fiction and non fiction texts, as well as poems and extracts from novels. This scheme is in line with the NLC and oral language is addressed independently in each unit. Each unit contains a comprehension piece, vocabulary, grammar, phonics, oral language, and writing genres and the writing process. That is a lot and basically almost all your curricular literacy areas covered. I will be suggesting this book to my school for sure as I do think it is worth the upgrade. The teacher resources are good too, including editable plans (yearly and fortnightly) and as I said it is in line with the NLC.
Let’s Talk Literacy Pupils’ Books for First to Sixth Class include:
- A variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as engaging extracts from
novels and poems - A continuous story line which engages the children as recurring characters
guide them on their learning journey - Comprehension strategies explained before reading tasks
- Lower and higher order comprehension questions
- A spiral approach to the teaching of grammar – previous knowledge built upon
- Extension activities to reinforce and consolidate learning
- Integrated oral language with the content of each unit
- Phonics skills at 1st and 2nd Class
- A comprehensive approach to writing genres throughout
- Cloze procedures allowing for real vocabulary application
Let’s Talk Literacy Teacher’s Resources provide a wide range of material, which can also be used in a team teaching environment.
- Detailed yearly scheme, presented in fortnightly units to facilitate planning
- Editable planning templates in line with the latest guidance from the NCCA and the New Primary Language Curriculum
- Extension activities that provide opportunities for integration, differentiation and assessment
- Content that can be adapted to suit station teaching