Mol an Oige Resources
Today I arrived home to find a lovely package awaiting me from Mol an Oige! Mol an Oige provide prizes and gifts to promote positive reinforcement in the classroom. As you know if you read my blog regularly, I love giving prizes and awards to my students!
This year however, I have decided to reward my class with time rather than gifts for good behaviour, but these prizes will be great to give as birthday presents and as really special awards.
I particularly like the ‘quick note pads’. They are similar to the ‘Happy Notes’ I used to give my class last year. I love the concept of a happy note. Five happy notes= a homework pass! I also love the pencils, with phrases such as ‘Rinne mé obair an mhaith’ inscribed on them.
The certificates are excellent too for my weekly awards. I am just delighted with all of these. ( you can also download certificates free from many websites, but just try to get ones which don’t use loads of ink)
I will use the stickers with the younger children who will be attending my after school clubs- I think they will be a big hit! These prizes and awards are all very affordable too, which we all know is essential!
Check out their Facebook page for more information and competitions! Mol an Oige Facebook