My Classroom
Here’s a little post on my first week back to school. Back to school time was made much easier for me this year because I am back in the school I was in last year, which makes things immeasurably easier. I also have 5th and 6th again. This is great, because I have my old fifth class, and I know their abilities so well I can just hit the ground running with them- so that’s another big help. I am quite lucky really. I love teaching the senior classes and I have a really lovely bunch of children.
We had a nice first week back. The usual was covered over the first day- rules, procedures, sorting out books, seating arrangements etc. We started into work then first thing Tuesday morning, even getting a little homework!
I had photos of my classroom on the facebook page, but they won’t upload to my blog. I have lovely new notice boards in my room. I have one outside for art. Inside, I have a maths, Irish, English and SESE board. I have two more which have to be put up, and I have my slider press which can be used for display purposes too!
So here is a little tour..
This is my door.
This is my maths board. It look a bit sparse, but it will be adorned with the children’s work soon. I downloaded the maths problem stages from Realta Ranga.
Yes, dear teachers, I have rows in my classroom. ROWS!!How could I? For those of you who asked, there is research in place to show children in the senior end of the classroom work best in rows facing forward. I pull the tables together for group work almost every day. I much prefer the rows, less distraction, more focus, and group work is far more effective when they only sit in groups for part of the day. This is what works for MY class and I am sticking to it!
We love quotes in my room! Well I do, and the 6th class girls do! We also have a positive quotations wall, which I think sends very important messages to my class.
This is the early finisher’s table. It isn’t complete yet, but so far I have card games, books, prompt cards and a couple of games.
Our classroom rules:
Here’s one of the activities we did this week. We made clipboards to use on outdoor trails. The clips for the top are from Tiger, and it only cost 1.99 for twelve clips!