My First Week in School.

Hello everyone,

I hope the first week back to school is going well..only one day left! I have been busy settling into my new school and classroom. It has been a most hectic week, between applying for the dip, getting to know the children and their abilities, planning, correcting, decorating, printing, laminating and so on. I am delighted with my class. I have 5th and 6th, and they’re a very enthusiastic bunch. I now, on the fourth day, know all their names at last!

I still have a lot of decorating to do with classroom displays and so on, but so far I am happy with my progress. We have gotten into a little routine which I will share with you.

I always start the day with a riddle. I display it on the IWB, and the children write it in their notebooks. They have until the end of the day to try figure it out. The answers they come up with astound me, children really do think outside the box!

After the riddle, I display the homework on the whiteboard, and the children take it down. Once the children understand exactly what they are to do for homework, we move on to maths.

We start maths with mental maths games and activities. So far I have used my target board, and multiplication cards. We also play kings and queens. I love maths games, I could play them all day! We then do an interactive activity on the IWB to ensure we have adequate ICT time, then move on to the book and written work.

After maths, we do our Irish, again lots of cluichí teanga, and ceisteanna.

Quick game of thumbs up/heads down and it’s time for small break!

After break, we start my favourite subject- English! I have been spending too much time on English this week, so that’s something I’ll have to rectify to make room for religion!

After lunch varies between SESE, art, drama, music, and SPHE.  We do a bit of the yoga in between lessons which works wonders for the old concentration!

Our theme this week was the titanic.  I’ll add photos of our work soon.

Overall, I feel very relieved, happy and lucky to have a great class;  and I am looking forward to a rest this weekend!



  1. Can you recommend any good websites or resources for 5th and 6th class ? I have TP soon and would like to get some ideas and resources organised . Thanks 🙂

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