Oral Language Games
Hello everyone,
These are some oral language games I copied directly from the PPDS website, they look really useful for a quick ten minute discrete oral language lesson.
§ For this game you will need two telephones and some hats
§ The teacher begins by telling A that s/he will hear good, bad, worrying
or infuriating news from B and must react with the appropriate
emotions and tone of voice
§ To develop this game the children can be asked to wear a certain hat,
for example A might wear a hard hat B may wear a straw hat, by
wearing these hats the children take on a new persona
§ They make up their own conversation and decide whether the news is
good/bad etc.
§ The teacher may wish to intervene at times to include feelings that may
be more difficult for the children, for example agitation, excitement,
amazement, trepidation etc.
Sounds Around
§ The children sit in a large circle
§ The teacher reads a story, for example “A Lion at Bedtime” (see drama)
§ The children discuss the story and think of everyday sounds that they
could incorporate into the story, for example in picture one Ben is
surrounded by cows and it is a cold windy day (sounds: cows bawling
and wind in background)
§ On a signal from the teacher the children will make the sound and this
can cease when the teacher raises his/her hand
§ Later the lion “clackety-clawed” up the stairs, so the children make the
appropriate sounds
§ Finally after the children have practiced the different sounds read
through the story and allow the children to add the sound track
§ Develop this idea by asking the children to create different pictures
from the story, freeze-frame these until the teacher shouts action. Each
group in turn begins to act out the picture with the sound track.
§ The children can elaborate on this further by adding in conversations
§ Finally the children can be invited, in small groups, to invent their own
stories with actions and sounds.
Cross Country
§ The children sit in a circle and each is given a number between one and
three. It is better to keep the groups small, only five or six children
should have the same number
§ The teacher calls out one of the numbers and all of the children with
that number must cross the circle
§ Before crossing the circle the teacher will tell the children the setting or
environment that they are in, for example “you are trudging through
the jungle,” “You are wading through deep water,” “you are waking a
tight rope,” “You are skiing very quickly down a steep and bumpy
mountain,” “You are rolling down a grassy hill.”
§ This is continued until each of the groups have had a go
§ Putting the children in a more difficult or dangerous environment can
develop this activity, for example, “You are crawling through the hot
desert when you are suddenly confronted by a snake.” “You are
plodding through the marshy jungle when you begin sinking in
§ The children can speak their thoughts as they are performing the act
Quick Feelings
§ Divide the classroom into four areas
§ Choose a feeling to go with each area of the room e.g. area 1 is
happy land, area 2 is angry land, area 3 is sad land, area 4 is
nervous land
§ The children walk in a circle around these “lands”
§ When the teacher calls stop the children must act out the feelings of
that land
§ The teacher moves around asking the children how they feel and
why they are feeling this way
§ In order to link this game in with Nursery Rhymes the children can
take on the roles of different characters and say how they are feeling
e.g. I’m Humpty Dumpty and I’m worried in case I fall off the wall.