Rainbow Reading Programme for 3rd to 6th Class
This was the review I enjoyed writing the most because it is a programme I feel is desperately needed for the senior classes. I have sample readers for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class and having taught all these classes, I would happily use this programme. As you know I am not always a fan of workbooks for the sake of having them, but this one is actually one I would gladly use which says a lot.
The reading component comprises an anthology for each year from Third to Sixth Class. I would use this anthology along side my novels, because I do love reading novels with my class too. I would say one novel a term alongside this anthology would be what I would be hoping to do.
- 3rd Class – Ready to Go!
- 4th Class – Lift Off!
- 5th Class – Above the Clouds!
- 6th Class – Flying High!
Each anthology is accompanied by:
- a very usable and FREE Portfolio Book for each student
- a FREE Online Oral Language Programme
- a FREE Assessment Booklet for each student to monitor progress
Each anthology includes:
- 20 fresh, new extracts that cover a wide range of genres
- All comprehension strategies included in pre-reading, during reading and post-reading exercises
- 10 fact pieces and 10 theme-based poems
- comprehension, grammar and word study activities
Each Portfolio Book includes:
- All writing genres
- Extra grammar, comprehension and vocabulary work
- A record of the student’s work for the year
An excellent Teacher’s Manual, with an editable yearly scheme and fortnightly notes ensure that planning for the new programme is user-friendly.
I like how the anthology is divided into a variety of genres, poems, fact based pieces and so on. It exposes children to many different styles of writing. I will give some examples from the third class book. So the first title is ‘The Boy who Flew’ which is about Icarus and there’s your seamless link to history- myths and legends. Then there’s fiction – an extract from the infamous Horrid Henry. This is current and the children would like this! Then there’s poetry, fact – (Transport- which links to geography) , then fiction again which is an extract from The Twits bu Roald Dahl- again a firm favourite with most classes. Some more samples which link to history and will make learning much more integrated are: The Vikings in Ireland, Oisin in Tir na n-Og, History of the Train, Victorian Times and Julius Caesar. This is as good as teaching history and English simultaneously! I would love this scheme for my current third and fourth! I honestly would highly recommend it based on the reader alone, then there’s the portfolio book. It is 122 pages in length which makes it slightly longer than some workbooks which is commendable. Each chapter is based on the reading pieces from the anthology. Each chapter contains a comprehension piece, vocabulary work, working with sounds, grammar, extension ideas and one of the writing genres. So that is almost everything you need to teach for English in a week in one anthology and one workbook. It really streamlines planning and will save so much time and energy. As well as the portfolio book though the actual anthology has an activity section with seven sections so you could even just use the anthology alone. The portfolio book actually comes free though for this year (maybe for every year I am not sure!) so you may as well use it but there’s plenty in the anthology too. I really like the way there’s a pre- reading activity for each story , a during reading activity and a post reading activity which helps the children to really focus and promotes higher order thinking.
This is one of the best reading schemes I have come across for the senior end of the school.
So will it cater for all the needs in the class ranging from stens of 1 to 10. Seen it myself and while im not a lover of workbooks it feels like ive gone back in my teaching career to my old ways
To be honest probably not all from one to ten without a lot of differentiation , unfortunately not many workbooks to ?