Sounds like Phonics by CJ Fallon

Sounds like Phonics is a brand new phonics programme from CJ Fallon. We had some samples delivered to our school for the infant teacher so I decided to have a look and let you know what I think!

I will just give an overview first of what is included and then my own personal opinion of this programme.


It includes four activity books, A-D.

It includes digital interactive resources for every sound.

A teacher resource book and exercise specific learning outcomes in the activity books.

  • Each exercise is aligned with learning outcomes as per the Primary Language Curriculum.
  • Visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile activities provide a framework structure for beginning readers, while enhancing learning and memory. ( Iove the sound mirror!)
  • Activity Books include unique elements to reinforce the multisensory approach:
    • Tactile letters
    • My Sound Mirror for every pupil
    • Sorting activities (cut, sort and glue words/pictures into correct sound groups)
    • Pictorial mnemonics.
  • Themed units link learning across the Activity Books and interactives – The Funfair, The Market, The Toy Shop, The Zoo, The Park, The Restaurant, The School and more. ( these link to Aistear which is most useful)
  • Videos demonstrate correct pronunciation and mouth movements for each sound specific to Irish diction. ( Such a big plus, the English accent on some of the Jolly Phonics sounds made it confusing for some children)
  • Animations and interactive posters reinforce letter recognition, categorisation and formation.
  • Teacher-led and pupil-led interactive games provide meaningful learning experiences (beginning, ending, middle letters, CVC words, early blending/reading and more).
  • The TRB supports the Activity Books and interactives, with additional resources such as rhymes, songs, class games and worksheets.


So, that’s what it contains. Overall I was very impressed with the online teaching resources, they are as up to date as you can get, and given that this is the main teaching part of most teachers lessons, then I would recommend it for the online aspect alone. I really like the junior and senior infant activity books. The first and second class activity books are good in that they are longer than most activity books I have used which means there’s plenty of material in them. They are bright with colourful illustrations, I just think there’s a good few colouring pages in them, which just for me personally I find time consuming, but other teachers love the colouring pages because it helps with early finishers so that is just a personal preference.

I have included some photos of the infants and first class workbooks.


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