Subkit revisited
Hello fellow subbers,
I know it’s a bit late in the year for this post, but June is a very busy month sub teaching wise for teachers. I posted information in the past on my blog about my subkit in the past but I have since refined it some what. I basically have a large black handbag from Penneys, and my pink sub case from Aldi’s, a photo of which is on my facebook page somewhere. I have stopped bringing my resource box as it was just too much to carry and I never used it all.
Here is what made the final cut into my subkit:
Whiteboard markers, pens, post-its.
Lava lamp timer
Bicycle bell
Mini treats/rewards/prizes
Scholastic dollar deal books/print outs.
Maths Assesment workbook from Folens.
English workbooks
Bun go Barr workbooks
Hard drive
Story book
Blue tac
Novelty stationery for children to try out
One puppet ( junior classes)
It still seems like a lot now that I see it in writing, but I use most of the above every day while subbing!