10 Organisational Tips for the Classroom
- Have magazine files for each subject.
- Have all the kids names on lollipop sticks in a little box on your desk.
- Use a clear large plastic storage box for each theme- e.g. autumn, Halloween, winter, Christmas, etc. Use these boxes to store your displays and resources for each theme.
- Have one plastic folder for Admin notes, e.g. parents letters to go home, croke park meeting notes, referrals and so on. It helps to prevent them disappearing from your desk!
- Have a separate folder with notes from parents regarding absences.
- Be so careful collecting money from children, always write down who paid and keep the list with the money in a plastic container. (I just love my plastic boxes!)
- Label everything!
- Have an incidents notebook and use it!
- Have another notebook to keep track of pupils who repeatedly have incomplete homework.
- Group your library books by theme, it will make life much easier in the long run!