CPD Courses During Lockdown
I am sharing in this post, the CPD courses I chose to study during the course of this lockdown period. I did quite a few courses, simply because I enjoy learning and studying topics. I am not suggesting that anyone else do this many courses. Do ten, do two, do none! Do whatever suits you. Everyone works differently. The courses for me, proved to be a welcome distraction from this virus and lockdown.
The first course I did just before lockdown started was Understanding Autism with ICEP Europe. https://www.icepe.eu/cpd/understanding_autism . I have a review of it here:http://www.muinteoirvalerie.com/understanding-autism-cpd-course-with-icep/
I would recommend this course to anyone who may be working with children with autism in September. I will openly admit that I lost a bit of my confidence when I left mainstream. I was probably getting over confident, I honestly thought I was a super teacher, I had a class I knew so well after teaching them for three years in a row, my just so classroom, and it was just getting so easy! When I started teaching my little class back in September, I was taken down a peg or two! I realised with a start that I had a lot to learn. In one way it is no different, teaching is teaching, whatever class or age group you have. I just had to learn about PECS, LAMH, TEACCH, ABA, etc which was overwhelming at the start. I spent most nights when Lara went to bed just reading manuals, guidebooks, blogs by other ASD class teachers (ASD Creation Station was a huge help!) and I just started to learn as I went along. It is amazing how quickly you adjust because by the middle of October I was well into the swing of it and loved it.
Over the course of the year I found myself becoming more and more invested and involved, and started my Masters in Special and Additional needs in January.
The second course I did was also with ICEP, it was one on ABA. I also chose ABA as a module for my masters. It is just an area I am quite interested in.
I just finished the a course on General Learning Disabilities this morning. This was also with ICEP, and I am going to write a separate blog post on that course because it was just so informative.
My time with my class was cut short back in March but if I have them again in September, hopefully I will be able to put my new knowledge into practice!
I studied a good few courses with Lorraine Lynch. I just really rate her course content, it is different, new and on topics which college doesn’t prepare you for. https://www.lorrainelynchconsulting.ie/
I did the following courses with Lorraine:
Understanding Trauma ( two hour course)
Understanding Anxiety (two hour course)
Understanding Dyspraxia ( two hour course)
Managing Dyspraxia in the Classroom ( two hour course)
I also did the ten hour course in Trauma which was amazing.
I did the course on creating timetables with ASD Creation Station https://asdcreationstation.com/ which I would 100% recommend if you are teaching children with autism in September. Timetables take forever to do but this course will save you loads of time!
That’s it now, I am all course-d out for another while! I have to focus on my masters now, the next module looks really heavy. I am going to do one summer course with Lorraine Lynch, and probably Anokha Learning too in July.