Life Skills for Young Children Part Two
Hello everyone,
Due to the popularity of my last life skills post, I have decided to share a second. These are all simple tasks which can be completed at home. Remember if your child isn’t quite able for some of these just yet, keep going with hand over hand, as the repititive nature of this will help a lot!
- Help put toys away.
- Dress himself (with some help from you)
- Put his clothes in the laundry basket when he undresses
- Clear his plate after meals
- Assist in setting the table
- Brush his teeth and wash his face with assistance if necessary
- Perform simple cleaning chores like dusting in easy-to-reach places and clearing the table after meals, sweeping, spraying down surfaces.
- Feed pets
- Help with basic laundry chores, such as putting clothes away and bringing dirty clothes to the laundry
- Choose own clothes to wear
- Mix, stir and cut with a dull knife
- Make a basic meal, like a sandwich
- Help put the food shopping away
- Wash the dishes
- Tidy bedroom (All the boys tidy the classroom, wipe the tables and put everything back in its place each day so they are well able!)
- Water plants
- Sort clothes for wash by colour and check pockets!
- Empty dishwasher and put away dishes
- Help put away shopping