ASD Home Learning Bumper Pack

20 Resources

  1. Fine motor skills
  2. Actvities to Promote Gross Motor Skills
  3. Sentence Structure Development
  4. Conversational Prompt Cards
  5. Pre Writing Tracing Booklet
  6. Language development Scavenger Hunt
  7. Numeracy Activities- Goldfish Counting Activity booklet
  8. Numeracy- Find Missing Number Activity Booklet
  9. Literacy- Find Missing Letter Activity Booklet
  10. Identifying Feelings and Emotions
  11. Simon Says
  12. Days of the Week Posters
  13. Months of the Year Posters
  14. Life Skills- Brushing your Teeth Posters
  15. Task Analysis Documents
  16. Keep Fit at Home Exercises and Posters
  17. Yes/No Vocabulary Cards
  18. 2D Shapes
  19. Learning Our Colours
  20. Life Skills- Recipe Booklet

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