
100 pages of lesson plans for 5th and 6th class, covering a variety of subjects, based on the country Malawi in Africa. These lesson plans are NOT based on the new language curriculum and will need to be edited accordingly. Please use these as a guide/examples only for ideas etc. Best of luck!

Free download: All About Me Bag Activity! Suitable for Junior Infants- 2nd class

€3.00 Original price was: €3.00.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.

€25.00 Original price was: €25.00.€15.00Current price is: €15.00.
Yearly plans for a junior class for September to June Maths resources- 10 pack Information for teachers/ parents This maths resource pack is based on the principles of the TEACCH method, which is a highly researched teaching method for teaching children with autism. More information on the TEACCH method can be found here: https://best-practice.middletownautism.com/approaches-of-intervention/the-teacch-autism-programme/ The resources…


€20.00 Original price was: €20.00.€15.00Current price is: €15.00.
20 Resources Fine motor skills Actvities to Promote Gross Motor Skills Sentence Structure Development Conversational Prompt Cards Pre Writing Tracing Booklet Language development Scavenger Hunt Numeracy Activities- Goldfish Counting Activity booklet Numeracy- Find Missing Number Activity Booklet Literacy- Find Missing Letter Activity Booklet Identifying Feelings and Emotions Simon Says Days of the Week Posters Months…

€30.00 Original price was: €30.00.€20.00Current price is: €20.00.
This product contains over 30 individual resources , over 150 pages in total. MATHS: Information for teachers/ parents This maths resource pack is based on the principles of the TEACCH method, which is a highly researched teaching method for teaching children with autism. More information on the TEACCH method can be found here: https://best-practice.middletownautism.com/approaches-of-intervention/the-teacch-autism-programme/ The resources…

€15.00 Original price was: €15.00.€10.00Current price is: €10.00.
Information for teachers/ parents This maths resource pack is based on the principles of the TEACCH method, which is a highly researched teaching method for teaching children with autism. More information on the TEACCH method can be found here: https://best-practice.middletownautism.com/approaches-of-intervention/the-teacch-autism-programme/ The resources are based on the strands and strand units of the primary school curriculum…

40 pages of displays based on ‘bia’ vocabulary, and worksheets.


Christmas Activity Book – third to sixth class English: dictionary work using Christmas vocabulary Creative writing using writing prompts Writing postcards Reading chapter one of A Christmas Carol and responding Procedural writing- how to make Christmas cookies Geography: Christmas in Italy Comparing and contrasting Christmas in Italy and Christmas in Ireland Reading comprehension KWL Chart…

A teacher document, List of classroom procedures to ensure your year runs smoothly!

20 page activity book based on Crankenstein. Includes: Prediction activity Character Study My Monster drawing and writing page I feel cranky when.. How Crankenstein changes in the story Synonyms Book summary Retelling of the story Sequencing the story Story map Comprehension questions 2d shapes for making your own monster Book report Comic strip Colouring page

€6.00 Original price was: €6.00.€3.50Current price is: €3.50.
A 50 page revision booklet for first class on the short A,E,I,OU sounds in CVC words.


Dinosaur booklet freebie for 1st and 2nd class!

Drama activities for 1st -6th


End of Term Reflection Worksheet



A list of simple fine motor skills for young children

€10.00 Original price was: €10.00.€6.00Current price is: €6.00.
A 119 page phonics workbook, Includes: Ch Sh Th Qu Ng Wh Ar Ow Ai Ck Oa ie Er ee ff oo Ou ss ll zz

€3.00 Original price was: €3.00.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.
A booklet of activities for the first day back to school for 1st and 2nd class. 14 pages First Day Back to School Activities for 1st and 2nd Class

timeline of WW2 Leaders of WW2 and fact files on each Ireland during WW2 and The Emergency The Blitz Children during WW2 and evacuation Reading comprehension Reading comprehension activities Country study- Germany before , during and after the war, facts on Germany Comic strip template Fact file template Writing template Key vocabulary of WW2 Main…

€7.00 Original price was: €7.00.€3.50Current price is: €3.50.
See blog post for full table of contents. An SESE resource based on Antarctica, Tom Crean and Ernest Shakleton for fourth- sixth class pupils. Download version only , this is not a hard copy.

Detailed fortnightly plans for the months of October and November. Contains four fortnightly plans and each plan is 15-18 pages in length. Based on 1999 English and Irish curriculum

€10.00 Original price was: €10.00.€8.00Current price is: €8.00.
A pack of fortnightly plans for September-December- 8 fortnightly plans in total, each plan is 15-18 pages in length. All subjects covered. These are based on the old English curriculum.

Some simple printables to keep you organised! Home School Learning Log Daily Schedule Blogger Schedule Instagram printable Food and exercixe log

An end of year memory book – 24 pages in total ( can be used with classes 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th) Time capsule worksheets ( 6 in total)

€2.00 Original price was: €2.00.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.

A support set for substitute teachers. This is a 20 page document based on the English curriculum. It is suitable for 4th-6th class. It contains worksheets based on verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, contractions, syllables, definitions and capital letters. The perfect support for a busy substitute teacher. Created in black and white without illustrations to save…

€24.00 Original price was: €24.00.€16.00Current price is: €16.00.
1. Over-view of the Role of the SNA 2. Filling out the Application Form 3. Sample Questions and Answers 4. Skills and Qualities in an SNA 5. Tips for Interview 6. First Impressions 7. Research the School 8. What to (And Not To) Wear – Interview Attire 9. Checklist: Are you Ready? Plus a self…

History of Halloween comprehension and questions My Halloween traditions Halloween KWL chart Halloween comic strip Writing activities x 2 Spider report template Halloween adjectives Halloween sentences Halloween writing prompts x 3 Halloween maths activities x 2 Colouring sheets

€8.00 Original price was: €8.00.€5.00Current price is: €5.00.
Gaeilge Display Pack Posters Flashcards Mini Posters Phrases Halloween Activity Pack: History History of Halloween KWL Chart My Halloween Traditions English Procedural writing- Making a potion Narrative Writing- four story prompts Maths Halloween Activities Halloween Adjectives Sentence Structure

€2.50 Original price was: €2.50.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.
This Halloween pack contains ten Halloween traditions and 20 Would you Rather cards. The resources would be perfect for a history or oral language lesson, a fun morning starter activity or as a transition between lessons!

Six posters explaining the steps in brushing your teeth

E-learning for teachers (1)


€12.00 Original price was: €12.00.€6.00Current price is: €6.00.
Two of my favourite Morpurgo books bundled together at a reduced price! Kensuke’s Kingdom: Book study for 3rd-6th class containing the following: Predictions Themes in the novel. 3.Comic strip template 4.Chapter highlights template 5.Character study- compare and contrast .My favourite character 8.Adjectives to describe favourite character 10.How did your favourite character change? 12.Setting of novel…

€6.00 Original price was: €6.00.€3.00Current price is: €3.00.
32 page resource Display posters as Gaeilge Display flashcards as Gaeilge Worksheets Writing templates

A weekly maths activity resource for 1st and 2nd class

Year long maths stations pack for revision of concepts taught. Covers numbers 1-10 Measures- length 2D shapes Active, hands on games and activities.

€10.00 Original price was: €10.00.€6.00Current price is: €6.00.
70 warm up slides for senior infants/ first/ second class! Contains: ‘Would you Rather’ questions Riddles Jokes Drawing Picture writing prompts

€2.00 Original price was: €2.00.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.
A booklet containing four Mother’s Day activities, suitable for 1st-3rd class pupils, Acrostic poem I love my Mom because.. template Letter to my Mom All about my Mom worksheet

€15.00 Original price was: €15.00.€7.50Current price is: €7.50.
I published this book two years ago and reprinted it last year, it sold out both times. I hope to reprint it again in the future but I simply don’t have time at the moment, so I am uploading an online copy of it instead. Inside you’ll find everything you need to get you through…

This is a preorder for the I nterview guide for primary school teachers. It will be posted in two- three weeks. It includes: Table of Contents The Standard Application Form Curriculum Vitae The Letter of Application List of Questions Answers to Commonly Asked Questions English Answers to Commonly Asked Questions Gaeilge Standard Application Form Buzz…

A useful writing frame for recount writing as children write about their first month back at school. (younger classes could draw)

Narrative Writing display Writing Prompts Transition Words Elements of a Narrative Just click below to download instantly! narrative (1)


A 52 page resource containing: Sample lesson plans and objectives Mentor text ideas Writing Prompts Setting templates Character templates Narrative writing checklists Sentence writing templates and much more!

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.muinteoirvalerie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/New-Year-2018.pdf”]

Purchase novel resource guides for: Kensuke’s Kingdom Holes The Twits The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas The Butterfly Lion Each pack is between 30-50pages in length and provides indepth analysis of each novel.





€5.00 Original price was: €5.00.€3.50Current price is: €3.50.
Phonics posters to support the teaching of your phonics lessons. CVC- a,e,o,i, u ff,ll, ss, zz -all, -oll, -ull, ck sh th ch wh ph -ng -nk a-e i-e 0-e u-e -ce -ge

ch sh th qu ng wh ar ow ai ck oa er ee ff oo ou ss ll zz

€1.50 Original price was: €1.50.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.
Planning and assessment folder headings- editable.

Contents: -Planning Folder School Information Timetables -Section 1: Weekly Planning -Section 2: Previous weekly planning -Section 3: Monthly Planning -Section 4: Long term Planning planning by subject Reflections -Assessment Folder -Section 1: Group Assessment -Section 2: Inividual Assessment/profile -Section 3: Assessment templates/copies resource folder

A one hour webinar covering the following: Objectives: 1.This webinar outlines evidence-based strategies to promote social communication skills for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). 2.This webinar outlines the three levels of autism. 3.This webinar explores the management of challenging behaviour, classroom management, planning and assessing in an ASD class. 4.This webinar gives a general introduction to autism, leading…

€2.50 Original price was: €2.50.€0.00Current price is: €0.00.
Genre of procedural writing resource for 1st and 2nd. Procedural Writing checklist: Procedural writing new words: Procedural writing template: procedural writing picture template

Procedural Writing freebie pdf


€3.00 Original price was: €3.00.€2.00Current price is: €2.00.
Report Writing Resource: Contains sample report on the sloth Description of report writing Differentiated report writing templates Brainstorming template KWL chart Sloth colouring page

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.muinteoirvalerie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Rewards-incentives.pdf”]

This is a 25 page activity booklet based on the story Room on the Broom Table of Contents: Predict what the story is about and draw a picture Describe the witch’s personality Comprehension questions Verb Hubt Rhyming Words Hunt Adjective hunt If you could make room on your broom for one person, who would…

Writing templates for science investigations

A 60 page interview guidebook for SNAs, with sample questions answers, and advice for interviews. Over-view of the Role of the SNA 2. Filling out the Application Form 3. Sample Questions and Answers 4. Skills and Qualities in an SNA 5. Tips for Interview 6. First Impressions 7. Research the School 8. What to (And…

34 page interview guidebook with sample questions and answers to prepare you for your interview 28 page workbook to help guide you in preparation for your interview , with promopts to help you identify why you are the best person for this job! This is a hard copy. 20.00 plus 2.40 postage


This webinar will cover: Writing lesson plans Classroom Management Thematic Teaching Teaching the Core Subjects

A novel resource to use with reading of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 50 pages in length Table of contents Chapter Summaries 1-20 Chapter Activities for each chapter, 1-20 Character Analysis for all main characters KWL Chart Fact files Inferencing Examining important quotes in the novel Prediction exercises Compare and contrast activities…

13 page activity book based on the story The Leaf Thief

30 page resource containing: New vocabualry Prediction template Favourite character template Compare and Contrast Book summary Report template List resource Narrative writing template Story Map Spellings Design a book cover template Cut out and make a scarecrow activity Sentence formation with new words

15 page English freebie based on The Snowman.

€5.00 Original price was: €5.00.€3.00Current price is: €3.00.
A 30 page resource to accompany the novel The Twits by Roald Dahl. This novel study includeS: A set of questions for each chapter Descriptive Writing Adjectives Character Studies Picture Prompt Writing Activities True or False Statements Template for Conflict examples/ Compare and Contrast


89 pages of lesson plans for fifth and sixth class. These plans are not based on the new language curriculum and will need to be edited. Please use these for ideas only!

This is a 35 page resource, split into activities and lessons for both 1st-2nd and 3rd-6th class. Curricular Links: history English maths Irish STEM


A 20 page writing activity resource for first and second class based on the theme of Valentine’s Day.


A bundle of both the Focused History teaching resource pack (45 pages) and the novel guide for The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (50 pages) See blog posts for full table of contents of each resource