‘Water’ is always very popular as an overarching theme on teaching practice and for lesson plans in general. I myself haven’t used because I much prefer narrow more focused themes. I will share some ways ‘water’ can be integrated as a theme for the Arts subjects for 1st and 2nd class.
I usually base my theme off a book. Julia Donaldson is a favourite of mine and a book which suits this theme is her ‘Snail and the Whale’ and ‘Commotion in the Ocean’.
Snail and the Whale ( watch it on you-tube of you don’t know it so this post will make sense!)
Art- Strands: Fabric and fibre, paint and colour, construction, drawing.
The children will be encouraged to work in groups to create their favourite scenes from this story. (group work is an essential methodology to show in lesson plans) The children will use a a variety of art materials to help create their scene. Child AJJ will receive assistance via peer tutoring and SNA support. The teacher will repeat instructions for this child. (Always show differentiation)
The children will present their finished pieces of art in the ‘Artist’s Chair’ and will discuss their favourite part of the art lesson.
PE- Games
The children will develop catching and throwing skills as they play a variety of playground games.
The children will play ‘Sea, Ship, Shore’ and ‘Captain Captain’ as warm ups which link with the above theme.
We will re-read the story. The children will discuss the two main characters- the snail and the whale. We will talk about how the snail felt afraid because he was small, but he saved the day in the end. We will talk about times when we felt afraid. The children, in groups, will re-enact the scenes in the book using mime and improvisation.
They will also use conscience alley as the snail tries to decide what to do in the last part of the book.
The children will use body percussion to mimic the sounds of the ocean the snail and the whale would have heard on their journey, from the sea, icebergs, volcanoes etc. They will perform their pieces in groups for the class.